Monday, June 15, 2009

Acne Free Face: Natural Treatment of Acne
What is Acne?
Acne is the skin disease. Acne can be the form of blackheads, whiteheads, zits, pimple and inflamed red pimples.
Causes of Acne
The real cause of Acne is unknown till now. But many aspects are there to recognize the reason and causes of Acne. It is the conditional diseases.
There are two most aspects the cause of Acne.
1. Hormonal changes :–
When body grows, then hormonal changes take place in the complete body and old or deactivated hormones wash out from the body in sweat, and oil but in the case of destruction of cells in skin, hormones can not come by sweat and oil, then it becomes the form of Acne.
2. Atmosphere Effect :–
Atmosphere effects in our skin,
but the question rises, atmosphere of a place with be similar to other people, so why only some people get Acne?
Answer – Every person is having unique body in the world, every person get different hormonal changes with different hormonal structure. Some people get acne changes of surroundings, whereas some people get acne by humidity.
Symptoms of Acne
There are many symptoms of Acne. Have a look on symptoms.
1. Blackheads
2. Whiteheads
3. Cysts
4. Pustules
5. Skin Scarring
6. Skin Eruption
7. Inflammation Red Pimples

Getting rid from Acne is not very tuff job. You can get cure from Acne. Just follow the simple cure instructions.
1. Drink 8 full glasses of water in day.
2. Wash your face three-four times in day, before sleep washes your face with water.
3. Do not use soap on your face.
4. Do not use any hygienic creams on your face.
5. Use Neem during your bath.
6. Rectify your blood with blood purifier.
7. Do not touch and squeeze your pimple with pore of fingers.
8. Do not use oily food in your meal.
9. Do not use lots of oil in your hair; try to use it once or twice in a week.
10. Use Hair Gels in your hair.
11. Cover your face from dust. Dust might be the cause of pimple.
12. Take lemon juice, mint juice, orriander soup, & water.

Avoid items to cure Acne –
Avoid excess of Pickle, coffee, tea, soft drinks, meat and candies.
Ayurvedic Supplements of Acne –
You can get ayurvedic supplements of Acne.
Neem Guard Capsule
Surakta Syrup
Neem Guard Soap

What Monica Says about Acne:
Scientists at NY University College of Medicine have shown that Niacinamide is superior to antibiotics such as Clindamycin in controlling acne. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), applied topically, is beneficial for reducing Acne, skin hyper-pigmentation (acne scars), increasing skin moisture and reducing fine wrinkles. Niacinamide is generally recognized as safe during pregnancy (always consult a doctor). Try “Niapads” (it contains Niacinamide) for controlling your acne. It’s Simple for Pimple(C). One step process provides exfoliation, skin lightening, pore cleansing and prevention of acne.

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